While Persian rugs have been around for long many homeowners have reported problems and confusion when buying them. Here are some of the most common rug areas that confuse homeowners: Modern or traditional rugs If you have never bought rugs before you should know...
Area Oriental rugs are of many types. The main difference of the rugs lies in where they come from. The main types of these rugs are: Persian rugs These are the rugs that most people think about when they hear the term “Oriental rug.” From their name, Persian rugs are...
Handmade rugs are expensive; therefore, they aren’t units that you would want to buy every now and then. The cool thing is that by taking good care of them they can last for decades. To help you out, here are tips on how to take care of the rugs: Vacuum and sweep...
When looking for rugs for your house it’s always recommended that you buy handmade rugs. This is because the rugs have many benefits. Benefits of handmade area rugs High quality: This is probably the most important reason why people are recommended to go for handmade...
For your area oriental rugs to last for long you are required to keep them out of sunlight, avoid placing weak rugs in areas of high traffic and clean them properly. Even with all these cautionary measures in place, it comes a time when you have to replace your rugs....
Area oriental rugs are hand knotted rugs that come from Asia. They are heavily imported from Pakistan, turkey, India, Iran and china. They come in different colors, designs and textures. It’s up to you to choose the one that is right for your house. Studies have shown...
Beautiful, antique rugs immediately transform the look of your house. For them to give you the look you want you have to install them properly. Here are tips on how to decorate your house using the rugs: Get the right sized Persian rugs This is the first thing that...
Many homeowners with area oriental rugs don’t know how to clean them properly resulting to rug damage. If you have oriental rugs in your home, here are tips on how to clean them: Avoid twisting or wringing them Twisting or wringing the rugs results to contraction of...