All About Persian Rugs

All About Persian Rugs

Persian rugs are recognized as the oldest types of rugs in the market. They are made from a wide range of materials including: silk, cotton, wool and animal hair. Machine vs. handmade rugs Two of the main types of rugs are machine and handmade rugs. From their name,...
Guide To Buying Persian Rugs

Guide To Buying Persian Rugs

Persian rugs are important additions to your home. In addition to providing you with comfort, they also protect your floor and give character to your home.  Due to the importance of the rugs, you should consider a number of factors when making the purchase. These...
Guide To Area Oriental Rugs

Guide To Area Oriental Rugs

Area oriental rugs are the most common types of rugs that you will come across in many homes. They are loved by many people as they are beautiful to look at. They also tend to last for a long time when you take good care of them. If you are looking to buy the rugs...
5 Types Of Rugs On Sale

5 Types Of Rugs On Sale

If you are looking for rugs on sale, there are many types of these units in the market that you can go for. The most common types are: Persian rugs They are the most common and popular types of rugs in the market. They are characterized by a high knot count of between...
3 Ways To Protect Your Handmade Rugs

3 Ways To Protect Your Handmade Rugs

Handmade rugs are usually of high quality and often expensive to purchase. Due to the high cost, you need to take good care of them to avoid going to the stores every now and then. To help you out here are tips on how to take good care of your rugs: Protect your area...