Comparing Wool Rugs And Synthetic Rugs

Comparing Wool Rugs And Synthetic Rugs

Choosing a rug is anything but easy. There are so many materials to choose from that you’ll probably fall into a pit of confusion. Two common rug materials you hear about are wool and synthetic. If you want to know which rug material is worth it, then here is a...
What Are Caucasian Rugs? What To Know About Them?

What Are Caucasian Rugs? What To Know About Them?

If you’re looking for beautiful, intricate, and elegant rugs with a rich history behind them, then Caucasian rugs are the ticket. These handmade rugs are in a league of their own. Here is a guide to these unique rugs. Caucasian Rugs Caucasian rugs originate from the...
Rug Buying Guide: What Makes A Rug Luxurious?

Rug Buying Guide: What Makes A Rug Luxurious?

Rugs are quite an expensive décor articles that show sophistication and style like nothing else. But have you ever wondered what things and qualities make a rug scream “luxurious”? Should you only buy a Persian rug if you want a luxurious rug? Well, here are all the...
How Oriental Rugs Are Different From Persian Rugs?

How Oriental Rugs Are Different From Persian Rugs?

Even though there are hundreds of different rugs to choose from, the most common ones that you’ll hear will be oriental and Persian rugs. Have you ever wondered about the differences between the Persian rugs and area oriental rugs? What To Know About Oriental And...
Pros And Cons Of Cowhide Rugs

Pros And Cons Of Cowhide Rugs

There are different materials used in the making of rugs. Even though the most common rug materials are wool, cotton, and silk that are used for area oriental rugs, there is also hide (cowhide) that’s also a thing when it comes to rugs. Here are the pros and cons of...