Oriental rugs are expensive, exotic pieces that add class to your home. For them to retain their look for long you need to clean them on a regular basis. To make cleaning easy you should attend to the stains almost immediately they happen.

You should also make it your schedule to clean the rugs every 2 weeks-1 month regardless of how clean they look.

Wool oriental rugs

Woolen oriental rugs are probably the most common rugs in the market. They are tough and durable. Their main flaw is they accumulate hard-to-remove dirt deep in their threads.

The easiest way of cleaning them is by vacuuming. For ideal results you should vacuum without using a beating brush. While sweeping will remove the dirt, it tends to remove the rug’s sheen.

If you vacuum your unit and you notice that the stain isn’t coming off you should use a rug detergent that is known to get rid of the stain. When vacuuming the Persian rug always vacuum both sides.

Fiber rug

You are discouraged from buying an oriental rug made from synthetic materials; however, if you don’t have a lot of money, why don’t you go for one? The best way of the rug is by hand cleaning it. If you don’t have time to undertake the cleaning you should take it to a cleaning company.

Chemicals to use

It’s wise to use cleaning chemicals to make your work easy; however, you need to be cautious of the products that you use. For ideal results you should use natural products as you are guaranteed that they won’t affect your rug.

Harsh chemicals found in commercial products often discolor the rugs.

In addition to avoiding chemicals you should also avoid using soap. It’s almost impossible to get rid of all the soap in the rug without rinsing the area Oriental rug with a hose. A hose not only weakens the rug threads, it also provokes color runs.

It’s even better if you can make the solution at home. Here you need to mix three parts of water and one part vinegar.


Proper rug cleaning you will not only have the rugs looking great for a long time, it will also ensure that the units last forever. Once you are through with the cleaning you should place your rug on a flat surface to dry. As rule of thumb you should never hang your contemporary oriental rugs while wet.