Herat Oriental, wants you to know that we value your privacy, and would like to inform you about our practices with respect to gathering data from visitors to this web site, and how we make use of this data.
Herat collects personal information when you submit forms, and when you visit Herat web pages. When filling out forms, you may be asked for personally identifying information such as your name, street address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Once submitted, you are no longer anonymous to Herat. Herat automatically collects information on our server logs regarding resources accessed and browser information, including your IP address. This information is used by Herat webmasters, and is used solely for the purpose of improving our website.
Sharing and Disclosure of Information
Herat uses collected data only for purposes related to website maintenance, marketing, and customer service. Herat does not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose information with third parties. We at Herat, Inc. comply fully with law enforcement regarding requests for visitor information with respect to potentially illegal activities, including fraud, threats, and electronic vandalism.
Herat may set and access cookies on your computer. These cookies are used only by Herat web pages, and only to improve your access to online material.
Changing or Removing Information Contained in Our Database
Information can be changed at any time by contacting Herat through one of the methods outlined in our contact information. Herat will make every effort to comply with your request, however, it may take up to 72 hours for changes to be applied. Your information can be removed permanently by contacting Herat or by sending an e-mail containing the information you wish to have removed to orders@heratorientalrugs.com. Again, it may take up to 72 hours for your information to be removed from our database.
Confidentiality and Security
Herat limits access to personal information to those employees who need to come in contact with such information in order to provide products or services to you, or in order to perform their job functions, such as market research. Herat has reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information collected about its visitors, and complies with federal regulations on this matter.
Questions not resolved by this privacy policy can be addressed to orders@heratorientalrugs.com. We will make every effort to fully explain our privacy policies to you. If you feel that our privacy policies do not adequately protect you, please contact us regarding your concerns.