If you own area oriental rugs there are a number of things you should know about them. These things include:

Your oriental rugs need to be protected from foot traffic

Buying high-quality rugs doesn’t mean that your work is done—you need to take good care of them for them to last for a long time. One of the ways of ensuring that they last for long is protecting them from excessive foot traffic. Silk rugs and other lighter rugs should be placed in the bedroom and other areas that don’t experience a lot of foot traffic. You should also consider hanging the rugs on the walls to serve as wall decorations.

For the woolen rugs, you should place them in the sitting room but you need to protect them from damage. You can easily do this by placing a pad between the rug and the floor. This way you prevent the rug from getting damaged by the floor regardless of the amount of foot traffic it’s exposed to. The pads also maintain the structure of the rugs. In addition to placing a pad under the rugs, you should also consider rotating the Persian rugs at least twice a year. This is to balance the wear and tear. You also balance the exposure of the rug to the sun rays.

Your antique rugs aren’t supposed to stink

Many factors such as biocontamination, fungi growth, latex off-gassing, and many others can bring about the stinking of your handmade rugs. When your rugs are making a bad odor they make your house uncomfortable to live in. To prevent the odors you should clean your rugs at least once a year. You can clean them at home but for ideal results, you should take them to a professional cleaning company. You should also vacuum the rugs when they get dirty. When vacuuming, take caution that you don’t destroy the rug threads.

It’s common even for new rugs especially those from India to stink. If you just bought your rugs and they are producing a lot of odor you should flip them over. If they are still smelly, return them to the retailer and ask him/her to replace them.


This is what you need to know about rugs. For the rugs to give you a great service, you should ensure they are of high quality. When buying, go for handmade tribal rugs as they tend to last for a long time.