If your handmade rugs are ready for cleaning, then you should know what lurks in there. Bacteria like to lurk in carpets, and they are everywhere. They are in your shelves, closet, and everything else, including your carpet. You might not think that they are in your office carpet, but there are dirt, grime, and other stuff that get accumulated in your carpet, which get stepped on repeatedly. Eventually, this debris will get broken down and it will need to be replaced more frequently.

Dirty carpets cause unpleasant odors and even unsanitary conditions.

Dirt and Grime

Dust, dirt, and grime have a specific presence in your office or home. Think about your shoe’s sole. It walks on the ground; and it carries a lot of dust, dirt, and grime. When you are treading into carpeting, everything gets rubbed in, causing a dirty environment and stains. Your health becomes compromised because respiratory issues come from a lack of cleanliness.

In addition, when there is compromised air, your carpeting is too. If you have not replaced your air filters in the past 3 months, your indoor quality may be poor. This is normally as natural as pollen, dust, and sometimes a build-up of molds within the HVAC system. This gets distributed through your business or home. These particles are airborne that settle in your carpeting.


The fleas, dust mites, and your carpet look like home to insects. If you own a shag rug, more pests will go unnoticed than hiding in its layers. They will just lurk between those carpet fibers. You can vacuum your carpet or wash it to get rid of those insects.


When there is a lot of foot traffic from employees, your visitors and customers likely bring vehicle oils and chemicals, sidewalk treatments, and lawn fertilizers that can cause carpet damage and offensive odors as well. A regular cleaning service helps eliminate these chemicals.

Mold and Mildew

Carpets are the best place for mold and mildew to grow and foster, especially in humid environments. Mold requires 3 things to grow – oxygen, moisture, and dust from food. If your carpet is wet or water-damaged, you might have mold in your carpet.

Skin Flakes, Bugs, and Hair

The typical person sheds approximately 1 million skin flakes daily. Even if it is disgusting to think about, it is a lot worse to consider that a lot of that gets into your carpet. Dust mites and fleas can hide in your carpet’s fibers.


Everyone cannot be trusted when they eat cookies and crackers. From the late-night snacks while watching TV to parties when crumbs fall on the floor. Even if you are not seeing food particles, or you already vacuumed twice, crumbs settle deep down your carpet and it attracts pests. If you have shag or older carpeting, this issue becomes worse. When you leave food for long periods of time, mold growth and odors can also happen.


When you, your pets, your family go, your carpet does too. It is unavoidable to track bacteria into your home. Even if you remove your shoes before entering the house, there are still airborne contaminants that settle on your clothes, and then they fall on your carpet.

They lurk in your rugs, but you can always replace them by contacting traditional rugs Virginia so you can have the best choices.