Area oriental rugs have become a necessary accessory in most homes. Rugs add to the style of the room, and they definitely bring your home to life. These rugs are the most important part of every home decoration and they are timeless pieces that you can own for the rest of your life. People have begun to take that well and since there is more attention to rugs now, misconceptions have started to appear.

There are no bases for such misconceptions, but they still manage to get the attention of many people. With the internet and social media, these rumors spread like wildfire, and you should know the truth before they reach your ears.

Read on to learn more.

All Rugs are Expensive

Similar to any floor covering, rugs can be bought at different prices. Normally, the differences normally come down to finding out how long it took to make the rug and what kind of fibers were used. The handmade rugs that are made from hand-dyed wool will be at the end of the price range. While rugs with excellent quality are made using machines with nylon fibers, they are a lot more affordable.

Rugs are Only for Beautifying Your Home

Even if area rugs and carpets are for accentuating how your place looks, they are not just there for show. Rugs, through how they are made and material, can change instantly adding warmth and creating a cozy atmosphere while blocking the chill coming from the floor. Rugs will also protect your floors from overuse, and even from footfall abrasions. They will also add friction that lessens the possibility of slipping on ultra-smooth floors.

Vacuuming Destroys Your Rug

This is one of the most popular rug myths. People have an impression that rugs should never be vacuumed because they will get destroyed. That one has no basis at all. Vacuuming is helpful in many ways like maintaining your rug’s health and appearance. It is the best way to keep it clean and presentable-looking. Rug professionals say that in order to deep clean your rug properly, you should do it every 6 months and have it professionally cleaned every 12 months. In that instance, you should vacuum the rug so you can have it cleaned otherwise. It is going to look very dirty and disgusting already.

You Can Only Place Rugs in Some Spaces

This is not true because, in modern living, you can place area rugs in all parts of your home. They can be placed in your bedroom, living room, connecting spaces, or entryways. A carpet can liven up parts of your home and make it look special. The truth is, a lot of people put rugs in their outdoor space as well. With the open-kitchen concept becoming more popular, it is a lot easier to place rugs in different areas. Even your kitchen and dining can have nice carpets.

Traditional Rugs Should Not Be in High Traffic Areas

Area and traditional rugs are a great addition to areas with high traffic. The truth is, area rugs normally look better when they get walked on. High-quality rugs will even look smoother and prettier after people have walked on them. If you apply the proper maintenance, an excellent rug will be hard to damage and it will look wonderful in any part of your home even if you leave it there for many years. Do not be afraid to put your rug in a high-traffic area.

You can check out the antique rug store Virginia anytime to find the piece that you have always wanted.