One of the most common problems with rugs is that they shed. You just got an amazing handmade rug and it’s starting to leave debris and fluffs of fibers everywhere. Is it normal? Why does it happen? How to stop it? Here is what to know.
Causes Of Rug Shedding
As much as rug shedding is normal, you don’t want to experience it, so to figure out how to stop it, you should know its causes.
Some Materials Shed Naturally
You might not like this fact, but it is here to stay. Some materials are naturally prone to shedding and it’s something that happens to a lot of new rugs. When you buy a rug that is made out of either wool or synthetic fibers, it will shed a lot initially. So much so that you might even get a bit worried about it.
But there’s nothing you can do. It will shed and it will stop once the rug gets its grip. This will become history and then shedding won’t be an issue.
Low Knot Count Equals More Shedding
Knot count is something that you might be familiar with when it comes to rugs. Well, if there’s a higher knot count, then the rug is stronger and it’s typically handmade and of the best quality. However, not all rugs are always that dense. Some rugs are made out of lower knot counts and this is what makes them loose and very flimsy.
Not only that, but this characteristic will also cause the rug to shed a lot, especially if you’re not being too careful with it. This is why it’s always better to go for rugs with higher knot counts.
High Foot Traffic
Rugs are meant to be placed on the floor and sometimes people can walk over them too. But too much foot traffic can also lead the rugs to get bald and they can ultimately shed. This is not ideal at all. You will see places where people walk a lot is where shedding is common.
So, this is something you need to keep in the back of your mind. If there is going to be foot traffic and a lot of it, shedding will follow suit and there’s no other way to stop it.
Harsh Handling
A lot of the time, people can be really harsh with rugs and the way they handle them. Rugs are vacuumed at very high speeds, they’re not taken care of properly and the wear and tear just shows for itself.
This is bad because if you don’t take care of the rug, then it will shed and get ruined over time. This is why you need to be careful when you’re cleaning rugs because some materials just require a bit of attention so that they don’t get damaged. It’s all in the care.
Price Speaks For Itself
There are very expensive rugs and then there are rugs that you can get for a fraction of the price. Well, as convenient as the latter option may sound, it’s not always what you want to go for. It can show its quality and the price you paid for it in the form of fluff and fuzz.
So, if you’re going to spend the money on a rug, then try to get a good quality one because it will pay you off in the end. It will be an investment but it will a good one.
How To Stop Your Rug From Shedding?
Well, now that you know why rugs shed, here are some things you can do to stop and prevent it from happening in the future.
Vacuum The Rug Properly
A vacuum cleaner has several settings and a lot of those can be used for properly vacuuming the rug. So, you want to really see the settings first and then figure out which one is better for your rug.
When cleaning the rug, always set the vacuum cleaner at a low pile setting. In this way, the rug will be cleaned effortlessly and there won’t be any dirt or debris stuck in the crevices of the rug. On top of that, you won’t disturb the integrity of the rug and it will stay put for longer, which means no more shedding.
Choose The Right Material
You already know that a lot of materials naturally shed and even though it does come to a stop in the end, you want to choose a material that doesn’t shed a lot. This is why doing your research when getting a rug is super important.
You want to choose a material that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, is naturally shed-proof, and is just amazing. This will ensure that you get a material that won’t cause any problems with the fuzzies in the future. Cotton and silk are some of the options that don’t shed, so they’re amazing to go for. However, wool rugs are the most common. If you want wool rugs, choose high-quality wool rugs for less shedding.
Use Rug Pads
You might think that rug pads can’t help with shedding, but these small things are more mighty than you think. Rug pads prevent the rug from slipping and sliding and this is what causes rugs to shed in the first place.
When the rug rubs against the floor unprotected, then the fibers can break from the weirdest of places and this can lead to shedding. If you use non-slip rug pads, then this problem will also be solved and your rugs will not only stay put, but they will last longer too.
Rotate The Rug Regularly
This is also something that a lot of people forget about, but you can save your rug from extreme shedding by employing this simple trick. You want to rotate the rug every now and then. This is going to change the rug position and it will evenly spread the wear and tear and the weight of the debris on the rug.
This is amazing because you don’t need to do a lot and you just need to rotate the rug every couple of weeks to ensure that the rug stays in pristine condition. That’s all there is to it.
Low Foot Traffic Saves The Day
If you want the rug to stay damage-free for longer, then you have to put it in a room where there is not a lot of foot traffic. Since a rug is supposed to stay on the floor, that can be hard to do, but it’s something that needs to be done if you don’t want your rug to get bald prematurely.
So, putting the rug away from high foot traffic places will do the trick and you’ll see the results for yourself. It’s an amazing rug saving hack for homeowners. However, if you need rugs for high-traffic areas, choose synthetic fiber or machine machine rugs as they are more affordable.
Rug shedding is more common than you think and a lot of the time, new rugs will have this problem. However, older rugs shed as well. Implement the tips mentioned above to stop or slow down rug shedding. Always buy high-quality traditional rugs Virginia and take good care of them to ensure that they last long.