Rugs are not only classified based on the places where they’re made but also how they’re made. A rug may be flatweave, hand-knotted, hand-tufted, hand-hooked, etc. If you’re buying Persian and area oriental rugs, you will hear the term hand-knotted a lot. So, here is everything you need to know about hand-knotted rugs because those can get confused with every other handmade rug under the sun.

Hand-Knotted Rugs

Hand-knotted rugs are in which the strands are knotted by hand on a vertical loom. The threads or strands of material used to make the rug are fed vertically into a loom and become the rug fringes at the end. The loom keeps the strands in place as the weaver gets to work on weaving the them meticulously.

Each and every strand is knotted by hand and this feature makes these rugs premium in quality. Handmade rugs have a respected place in the world of rugs and are considered to be the best quality rugs.

A lot of the time, hand-knotted rugs are mistaken for hand-tufted rugs, and even though they might look the same, they’re worlds apart. Hand-tufted rugs are weaved by using a tufting gun, whereas hand-knotted rugs are all handmade with a vertical loom.

Hand-knotted rugs have been around for centuries and it’s a very old technique or rather a craft of making rugs. Hand-knotted rug weavers are professionals in their fields and their hands weave together a thing of beauty with their skill.

Characteristics Of Hand-Knotted Rugs

Now you know what hand-knotted rugs are, here are some of the key characteristics of these rug. It will help you know why they are so unique and you can also use this knowledge to spot a hand-knotted rug.

More Detail

When you look at hand-knotted rugs, they are very detailed when it comes to their weaves. Even if there is no such pattern on them, they will look very intricate so you want to ensure that this is the one thing that you’re looking for when you’re comparing hand-knotted rugs with other rugs.

The reason why they’re so detailed is because the strand is individually knotted to make a very 3-dimensional rug design with higher knot count. This makes hand-knotted rugs amazing in quality and they’re just out of this world.

Take More Time

You already know by now that each strand and each weave in the hand-knotted rug is very intricate and it is made individually. So, naturally, because of this reason, making these rugs also takes a long time. Even if it is an area rug, it takes months or years to complete the weaving of the rug.

This is something that is a key quality of hand-knotted rugs. You can see the workmanship in the rug and it’s just an amazing quality of handmade rugs. This is why hand-knotted rugs are so popular and loved – and expensive. They are essentially knotted by hand, so there is little that can beat this.

Available In Natural & Synthetic Variety

Hand-knotted rugs are not only available in materials like silk and wool. They are also available in synthetic fabrics like nylon, polyester, and other combinations of synthetic fibers. A lot of people think that hand-knotted rugs are only available in the most premium quality materials, but that’s far from the case.

There are synthetic varieties available as well and this is what makes them so amazing because there is a lot of variety when it comes to these rugs. You can either choose the expensive more regal rugs or you can go for the synthetic ones and they will be just as amazing.

They Shed

This is something that a lot of people might find off-putting, but it’s a quality of hand-knotted rugs that you can see to differentiate it from other knockoffs. Hand-knotted rugs initially shed. That is because the knots are handmade and they need some time to get worn into. It’s like breaking into your favorite shoe.

Once the knots are adjusted with regular use, the shedding decreases, but it doesn’t completely stop. It might take a couple of weeks to months for that to happen, but it’s nothing alarming, rather it’s a quality and identifying factor.

Knot Types

Hand-knotted rugs have different knot types as well. Here are three of the most common knot types out there.

Persian Knot

It is an asymmetrical knot and it is open at one end. This makes the knot less bulky and thick and it’s an amazing knot because it doesn’t leave a lot of gaps between the neighboring weaves. This makes the rug more cohesive and stronger.

Turkish Knot

The Turkish knot is a symmetrical knot and it is similar to a double knot. There are bumps on the back of the rug with a Turkish knot and this tells you that the knot is tied together to keep it from unraveling.

Jufti Knot

The Persian and Turkish knots use two strands of thread, whereas, a Jufti knot uses four strands. This allows the rug to be weaved faster, but the quality is not as great as the traditional hand-knotted rug. This knot, because of this reason, is also known as a false knot.

Maintaining A Hand-Knotted Rug

When it comes to hand-knotted rugs, looking after them is necessary. You want them to last long and be in pristine condition at all times.

So, here are some of the things that you need to take care of when you’re maintaining hand-knotted rugs. These will ensure that your rugs don’t get ruined due to negligence.

Rotate Them Regularly

One thing that you want to do with hand-knotted rugs is to rotate them every now and then. After a couple of months, it’s crucial to rotate the rugs about 180 degrees as this helps to maintain the integrity of the rug and doesn’t cause uneven wear and tear.

Professional Cleaning

When it comes to hand-knotted rugs, you can’t just toss them in the washing machine and call it a day. This is not only going to ruin the rug but the rug won’t be cleaned as well. Moreover, wet washing the rug will only loosen the knots which is not good at all. You want the rug knots to be undisturbed and that is only possible when you give the rug to get cleaned professionally. This will ensure that the rug is cleaned properly and that it lasts long too.

Daily Cleaning

When it comes to daily cleaning, you want to use the vacuum cleaner to your advantage. This is going to suck out all of the dust and debris from the rug. Regularly cleaning the rug is key if you want to keep the rug looking spotless.

Also, you want to avoid spills on the rug as much as possible. You want to keep it away from areas where you think spills and stains will be a problem. It will only save your rug from turning into a stained and blotchy mess.


Hand-knotted rugs are amazing because they’re purely handmade and they just have an amazing appeal that sets them apart. You can take a look at wholesale Persian rugs VA that are high-quality, durable, and purely hand-knotted using wool or silk.