Many things can give your area oriental rugs an ugly look. You might have exposed them to the sun for a long time thus making them fade on one area than the other. You also might have made an ugly stain. Also, you might have merely bought a rug that doesn’t agree with your home décor. How do you deal with ugly rugs? Here are tips on what you should do:

Take advantage of layered rugs

Rug layering is just placing two or more mats on the floor. To hide the ugly rug, join two or more rugs and if well placed, they will hide the ugly area thus leaving your house looking spectacular. There are no specific types of rugs that you can use. All you need to do is find the ones that match with your home décor and go for them. For a beautiful look, ensure that the rugs complement your home.

Strategically place the furniture

This is probably the easiest way of hiding the problematic areas. If the area has a stain or worn out, strategically position the furniture in such a way that you hide it without messing with the design of the room. For example, you can set the table to cover up a stain or ugly area in the middle of the room. In some cases, you may have to purchase additional furniture to achieve your intention.

Make use of the floor cloth

A floor cloth is similar to a rug, but it’s made from canvas. It’s usually larger and cheaper thus you don’t have to worry of parting with large amounts of money. According to home design experts, floor cloths show sharper patterns thus give your home a crisper look. When choosing the clothes, choose those that are of high quality. They also should complement the design of the house and that of your rug. For a great look, avoid worn out tablecloths. Also, avoid those with ugly designs as they will make your Persian rugs more unpleasant.


These are tips on how to deal with ugly oriental rugs. To avoid the issues that come with fixing the ugly features, avoid things that make the rugs ugly. This calls for you to clean the carpets as soon as you spill substances on it. This is to prevent stains that fail to come out. At least twice a year, give your rugs a 360-degree rotation. This is to avoid the ugliness that comes about due to excessive sun exposure.