It is true that Persian antique rugs can totally transform the look of a room. These rugs match almost all designs and they pair well with different sizes of home accessories, colors, and patterns easily.

If you are interested in owning a gorgeous rug, you should also know how to use them. If you are not so experienced with rugs and do not know how to incorporate them, you need to know that rugs are prized possessions that people consider as treasures. You cannot go wrong with antique rugs because they are always stylish.

Read more now.

The Right Size

You should find a balance when placing rugs in your room. The right equation to achieve this is to subtract 2 to 3 feet from your room’s width and length, which you have to previously measure.

The dimensions you will arrive at is perfect for the rug you want to purchase so it harmonizes the space and a balanced aesthetic can adorn it.

The Perfect Balance

The antique rugs you have should be matching to your décor, infused with serenity and visual relief. The total result should not seem rushed or as if they are already overboard, which burns your brain cells in an attempt to impress the latest home addition you have. In order to have that, do not use large and animated patterns for your bedroom and add a solid design rug to a room that has bold wallpapers. At the same time, choose patterned rugs if the flooring, walls, pillows, furniture, and window treatments are in neutral colors. They instantly turn your rug into the room’s focal point.

Mix Contemporary Designs

Who says that something vintage or unique does not go with a modern room? The contemporary styles of today actually opt for vintage items, which means you can put a nice blend of old and new to build a bridge between them.

Putting an antique rug in a contemporary room is also a great authenticity statement if the rug’s color is suitable to the room’s palette.

Under the Dining Table

If your goal is to place the antique rug under your dining table, the proportion is very important here. The rug has to be 2 feet longer compared to the table on all sides. If you have a shorter rug, you should use a carpet that long and place it under the rug. Aside from providing great aesthetics, this also lets the chairs be pulled out without any interference.

Rugs can easily get damaged from heavy furniture such as chairs and dining tables. The best option to protect the rug is opt for furniture coasters.

Protecting Your Rug

Antique rugs have natural fibers, which is an indication that they are environmentally friendly because there are very few chemicals used to produce them. They are stain-resistant and sturdy, which is why they are normally placed in entryways. However, since they have a casual and airy look, they can be placed in any room. You just have to make sure that you are taking care of your rug, and it will definitely benefit you. It will turn into a lifetime investment that is worth making. Therefore, you need to make sure that you take care of your rug, especially if you want to pass it on to the next generation.

You can also go to area oriental rugs Virginia to find the rug you want to invest in.