Silk rugs are loved by many people as they are beautiful to look at and comfortable due to their smooth texture. When making the purchase you should be careful as there are unscrupulous businesspeople that pose synthetic rugs as natural. For you to buy the real units you should undertake a number of tests:

Tests to determine if the Oriental rug is made from silk

One of the tests that you can do is rub the rug that you are looking to buy and feel it. If the rug gets warm after rubbing, it’s most definitely made from silk; however, if it stays cold, it’s made from synthetic fibers. Another way that you can determine if the rug is made from natural silk is to burn a small clipping of it. An oriental rug made from silk will smell like burnt hair. If it smells like burning paper or has any other smells it’s most definitely not silk. Chemicals have also been found to be effective in determining whether the rug is truly made from silk. The procedure aims at chemically differentiating protein from cellulose or petrochemicals.

How to take care of your silk Persian rugs

For your Persian rugs to last for long you need to take good care of them. One of the ways of taking good care of the rugs is protecting them from damage. Since the rugs are delicate, experts recommend that you avoid placing them in high-traffic areas. This calls for you to avoid placing the rugs in the sitting room or any other area that experiences a lot of traffic. The best place to put the area rugs is in the bedroom. If you don’t want the units to be damaged, you should hang them on the wall.

Another way of taking care of the rugs is regularly cleaning them. If you have hanged your rugs on the wall, you can easily remove dust and debris by gently sweeping it using an ordinary broom. You can also vacuum the rugs. When vacuuming, use the brushless suction to avoid damaging the rug. You should avoid using the roller or stationary brushes.

You should protect the tribal rugs from heat and chemicals as much as possible. Heat shrinks the rug thus distorting its look. Heat has also been found to fade the colors of the rugs. Chemicals, on the other hand, are too delicate for the rug fibers. Just like heat, chemicals have been shown to fade the colors.