Silk oriental rugs are valuable rugs and you have to take good care of them for them to not only retain their look for long, but to also last for a long time. Silk is like human hair; therefore, you have to take good care of it.  Here are some of the ways of taking care of the rugs:

Place them in areas of low traffic

Unlike woolen oriental rugs, silk rugs aren’t tough; therefore, you shouldn’t place them in high traffic areas. You should avoid placing them in the sitting room, hallway, dining room or any other high traffic area.

Best place to locate the rug is in the bedroom. If you feel that the rug will be exposed to a lot of traffic even in the bedroom, you should consider hanging it on the wall.

Whether you place the rug on the floor or on the wall you should place it in areas that don’t have a lot of direct sunlight. For the rug to wear out and fade evenly you should rotate it 180 degrees.

Clean them the right way

You should be keen when cleaning oriental rugs as doing it the wrong way you will destroy the entire rug. As rule of thumb you should never steam or dry clean the rug as the process tends to leave behind granular residues which often cause the rug to fade.

One of the ways of cleaning the rug is shaking it softly in order to remove dirt. You can also vacuum the rug without using a brush or rotary attachment.

To avoid stains you should clean the rug as soon as there are spills. You should remove the spills by blotting them up with a clean cloth or paper towel. Club soda has been shown to be very effective in getting rid of residual stains. After cleaning the rug you should set it in a cool place and wait until it’s fully dry.

To eliminate odors you should sprinkle some baking soda all over the rug and allow it to sit for at least an hour.


In addition to taking of your area oriental rug, another way of ensuring that your rug lasts for a long time is by buying a high quality rug. Before you part with your money you should test the rug to ensure that it’s made from silk.

You should take a thread from the rug and burn it. If the thread transforms into a ball and smells like burnt hair, the rug is made from silk.