When you buy area oriental rugs you want your house to look its best. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. To help you out, here are some of the top reasons why your house doesn’t look as good as it should:

You bought the wrong rugs

While there many areas rugs in the market, not all are right for you. When making the purchase, you should buy those of the right size. This calls for you to take the measurements of your house before you head to the stores. If you aren’t sure of the size of your rug in relation to your house, it might be the reason you aren’t getting ideal results.

In addition to considering the size of the rug, you also should consider its color. Persian rugs come in different colors, and it’s up to you to choose the right one for your home. For ideal results, you should choose a color that matches your furniture. The color should also create the mood that you want in the house.

Finally, you might not be getting ideal results as you might have bought a poor quality rug. Just like any other units, you won’t get excellent results if your rug is of poor quality. In addition to the carpet being ugly, it’s also most likely flared up and has holes. To improve the look of your house, you should buy a carpet of high quality.

You have improperly placed the area rug

How have you put your area rug? If you have put the rug in the sitting room, it shouldn’t go under the legs of the chair. If you have placed it in the dining area, the dining table should sit squarely on top of the rug. If this isn’t the case, this is the reason you aren’t getting ideal results. If you have the right rug, you should get information on how to place it correctly in your house. The cool thing is that there are plenty of resources both online and offline where you can get as much information as you want.


These are some of the reasons you aren’t getting the most from your antique rugs. For ideal results, you need to invest in high-quality rugs. You also need to buy rugs of the right size in relation to the size of your house. Finally, place the mats correctly in the house