Area oriental rugs not only have a rich history, they also transform your house. When looking to buy the rugs there are tips that you should follow for you to buy the perfect rugs. These tips include:

Buy oriental rugs colored using natural dyes

The dye used on the rug determines the rug’s color. Rugs are colored using synthetic or natural dyes. When making the purchase, go for rugs colored using natural dyes. These are dyes made from roots, insects and plants. The reason why you should buy rugs made from natural dyes is because natural dyes don’t fade or change like their synthetic counterparts.

Go for real tribal rugs

Tribal rugs or village-made rugs are known for their all-wool foundation. The wool contains strong, long fibers that are hand-carded or hand-spun. These features make the rugs durable and beautiful. Most of the modern rugs are made from machine-spun cotton that is chemically treated. Unless the quality of the wool used is of high quality, this rug won’t give you the service that you deserve. In addition to wearing out fast, it also doesn’t wear out evenly. While the machine-made rug might look spectacular while new, it loses shape after a few months. This can be expensive as you have to go back to the store to buy another.

Pay attention to the design of the rug

The design of the rug adds to the appeal of your house. It also gives you a history of the rugs. When making the purchase, remember that Caucasian rugs have geometric designs while Persian and India rugs come in floral designs. Chinese, Turkish, and central Asian rugs feature a creative blend of the two styles. Both traditional and antique rugs come in jewel and intricate designs while new rugs come in soft colors and designs that are representations of the originals. For a great look of the house, go for a design that compliments the room that you are placing the rug.

Always go for older rugs

I’m sure you have grown up knowing that an older product is of no value, but this isn’t the case when it comes to Persian rugs. Older rugs are usually handmade and made from high quality wool. This means that they last for a long time. Older rugs are also rare thus giving your house a unique look. When buying the units, buy them from a reputable Oriental rug store.