If you have handmade rugs, you know that they don’t come cheap. Due to this, you need to take good care of them. While this is the case, studies show that many people tend to make some mistakes that destroy their rugs. Some of these errors include:

Dry cleaning or steam cleaning the rug

While it’s important to keep your rug clean, you shouldn’t dry or steam clean it. Remember that the handmade units are made from wool that can be destroyed by heat. To keep your rugs in top shape, you should avoid exposing them to unfavorable conditions such as excessive heat.

Failing to clean the rugs at the right time

Almost every homeowner knows that he/she has to clean the oriental rugs to maintain them in top condition. Unfortunately, only a few of them clean the carpets at the right time. In addition to the dirty rugs being ugly to look at, they also tend to harbor a lot of dirt that compromises the quality of the rug threads. The dirty rugs also tend to grow mold that further interferes with the quality of the rug.

To be on the safe side, you should clean your Persian rugs at the right time. You should clean the rug as soon as you notice a stain. If your house is busy, you should clean the carpet at least twice a year. In between the cleanings, you should vacuum the carpet. For ideal results with the carpet, take it to a professional rug cleaner.

Failing to vacuum the rug

As I have mentioned above, you need to vacuum your rug in between the cleanings. Unfortunately, due to ignorance, some homeowners fail to do so which results in the accumulation of dirt in the rugs.

For an excellent experience with your rugs you need to vacuum them whenever you notice a lot of dirt on them. You should vacuum both sides of the rug. When vacuuming, use enough vacuum force but take care that you don’t use a lot of it that it destroys the carpet. You are advised against using a beater brush but if you have to use it on your antique rug, adjust it in such a way that it has little contact with the mat.


These are some of the most common mistakes that many people make with their tribal rugs. You should take good care of your rugs to avoid the mistakes.