Persian rugs are common rug styles that originated from countries such as China, Iran, and India. These rugs are popular for their beautiful colors, magnificent designs, and thousands of households have them. You will find them in Persian rug stores with different varieties and shapes and they are normally made from materials like cotton or wool, but they can also be made from synthetic materials. Adding another oriental rug to your home brings a room to life, but similar to most rugs, they are prone to dirt.

If you use the right techniques to clean and maintain your rug, you can keep the rug looking new.

Learn more.

Remove the Debris

Make sure that you remove as much dirt and debris from the pile and that is important. This causes a lot of damage to the rug fibers after some time. You can start to flip the rug over so it can be exposed to the backside.

You should run your vacuum on the back surface. If it has a beater bar, this can be left down but you must set it high because it can agitate the rug surface and help loosen ingrained debris. Going over the entire backside of the rug a few times will help remove a lot of excess debris.

Vacuum it

Vacuum the rug thoroughly starting at the back of the rug. Vacuuming the back of the rug helps to loosen the dirt in the rug fibers. If your fiber rug is long (about 3/4 ), it is recommended that you disable the beater brush as you move through the top of the rug. In addition, you must avoid vacuuming the knots using the beater brush. You can vacuum the long fibers using an upholstery attachment.

Reduce Traffic Stains When You Take Your Shoes Off

Shoes hold an average of 421,000 bacteria and there are different toxins on the ground that might be picked up by your shoes. Over a period of time, the toxins will settle in your house, especially if you own rugs or carpets, which have the most toxins. If there are children or pets in your house, and they always roam around or crawl, then you must remove your shoes in the house. The traffic stains also accumulate a lot of loose dust and grime particles. You can significantly reduce this when you remove your shoes.

Apply Natural Cleaning Solution

You can wash and clean oriental rugs using cool water and a neutral pH liquid cleaner. You should never use boiling water or any harsh chemicals. Cleaners that are meant for woolen carpets or fabrics work well.

You should first test the cleaner on a small section of the rug first if you are concerned about the color run, but this is mainly not an issue if you have a high-quality Persian rug.

Take a bucket and fill it with warm to cool water, and then add the cleaning solution to have a sudsy mixture. Use a bristle brush or cloth to scoop up water and suds. When you apply it to the rug, always follow the fiber’s direction as you move, and avoid scrubbing too hard. If necessary, repeat this process if necessary. Make sure to read about the cleaning solution and check if it is safe for rugs.

You will find the best carpets at an antique rug store Virginia where you will have so many options to choose from.