Crafted area oriental rugs never go out of style and they can be versatile in different types of homes. With a lot of options when it comes to fabric, color, style, and scale, you will find an oriental rug for every space in your home. Regardless if you are looking at an English-inspired library or a sleek modern living room, you will find an oriental rug for you. When you design with an oriental rug, there are great tips to follow that you will find in this post.

You can go neutral or monochromatic with the remaining décor in the room. Make sure to match the furniture to the rug colors, and you should not be afraid of mixing patterns.

Decide if it Will be the Room’s Focal Point

If you want an area rug to be the room’s focal point and then design everything around it, there are no rules on the size or color of the rug you must choose. If you consider the rug to complement your existing décor, there is a chance that a smaller rug that blends in will be more appropriate.

The Patterns Should be From the Same Family

You should not go wrong with the visual echoes, like what the living space shows, and this is an effective way to fold patterns into a nice package. Blue layers can tie a busy Oriental rug with patterned pillows and artwork.

Determine the Size You Need

Oriental rugs are great for attracting attention to the space in your home. However, before you lay down an area rug in the room with dimensions that do not match those on your flooring mat, you should measure length and width. This way, you will not purchase something too small or too big but you need to make sure that when you put it down, there is enough clearance between walls and furniture pieces while you provide enough walkway room.

Choose the Right Material

If you want the oriental rug to last long and not fade quickly, synthetic fibers are bad for you. Silk rugs or wool are proven as better investments in terms of quality furniture compared to synthetic wools that age poorly. Synthetic fibers cost cheaper than wool and silk since they do not need any work or materials so you might be tempted to buy them instead of real ones. You should beware that synthetic rugs do not age beautifully. They will look terrible over time while natural fiber carpets such as wool is going to retain quality if you properly care for them.

Choose a Monochromatic Setting

The sofas, walls, draperies, flooring, and pillows in the space all have the same orange cast that will allow rugs to be the center of attention. Even if there is some pattern in the textiles, it stays in the background.

Foot Traffic

One noticeable thing about your home is it is not as clean and tidy as maybe other homes. People live in a busy society, with their daily routines to handle and the stuff around them as well. There is dirt on their shoes coming from outside; water slops on the kitchen counters or floor after mopping up spills and washing dishes. Food crumbs found in every nook and cranny left by family members coming from inside during mealtime while wearing their outdoor footwear is also a factor. This does not even include the times when someone leaves an open can of food or paint and forgets they left it behind.

You can check out wholesale oriental rugs Virginia anytime to find the best ones for your home.