Oriental rugs are usually expensive; therefore, you should be keen when making your purchase. To help you out, here are a few factors that you should consider for you to buy a high quality rug:

Wool quality

The quality of the wool greatly determines the quality of the rug. High quality wool should be lustrous with a natural sheen produced by lanolin. You should ensure that the wool isn’t dull. Although, you should go for a bright rug, you should note that some rugs especially those from china and Pakistan are usually treated and tend to have a silky appearance. These rugs aren’t good as the chemical treatment damages them.

In addition to Oriental rug wool being bright, it should also feel springy with plenty of body—it shouldn’t be limp and easily compressed.


There are two ways in which Persian rugs are constructed: hand or machine. A handmade oriental rug is of the highest quality as it’s made up of millions of knots. A high quality rug should have fine detail, outlining the borders and excellent weaving technique.

When making the purchase, you should look for a tightly packed pile. You should stick your fingers into the pile and if you are able to feel the wefts, the rug is of high quality.


The dyes used on the rug are of great importance. They also shouldn’t fade when exposed to light. You should be very keen when buying the rug. When you are in the store, you should examine the root and knots. If the color is deeper at the root, the dye will most likely fade when exposed to light.

If you notice that the tribal rug is lighter on the pile side than on the back, it’s an indication that the rug has been chemically washed.

You should also pay attention to the rug pattern at the area where light and dark colors meet. If there is a solid field of a single color, this is a negative feature. If there is color variation, it’s an indication that the Persian rug is handmade and hand dyed which means that the rug is of high quality.


Oriental rugs give your house an elegant look. For ideal results, you should ensure that the rug is of high quality. Here you need to ensure that it’s made from the right material, it’s handmade and doesn’t have any fault lines. To buy the right rug you should ensure that you buy it from a reputable rug store.