For your area oriental rugs to last for long you are required to keep them out of sunlight, avoid placing weak rugs in areas of high traffic and clean them properly. Even with all these cautionary measures in place, it comes a time when you have to replace your rugs. To help you out, here are signs that you should replace your area rug:

Wear and tear of the rug

Persian rugs are known to last for decades, but they can wear out faster than expected when they are exposed to high levels of foot traffic than they are designed to handle. They can also wear out when you clean them improperly. For example, when you use wrong cleaning materials. It’s easy to pick a rug that is excessively worn out. In addition to the rug fibers coming out, the rug also has an ugly look that makes your house an eye-sore.

Oriental rug odor

Rug odors result when you clean the rug and it doesn’t dry thoroughly. Odors will also result when pets vomit on the rug and you stay for long without cleaning it. While cleaning the rug sometimes gets rid of bad smells, sometimes it exacerbates it. If this is the case with you, it means that the smell is deep in the Oriental rug fibers and no trick will get rid of the smell. The only way out is to get it of the rug and replace it with another.

Stains on the antique rug

When you have antique rugs in your house it’s recommended that you remove stains as soon as they happen. This is to prevent them from sticking. While this trick works, it comes a time when it no longer works. This is often when the rug starts wearing out. If you used to find it easy removing the stains and now you are having a challenge, the best way out is replacing the rug with a new one.

There are other people who opt taking the rugs to cleaning professionals. While the professionals might be able to remove the stains once, they might not be able to do it the second time.

Lose of interest on the traditional rug

It’s common to be excited of something when it’s new and in good condition, but the excitement wear out with time. If you are no longer finding your traditional rugs great to look at, consider investing in new ones that will not only give your house a great look, but will also excite you.