Area oriental rugs are beautiful and improve the look of your house. Unfortunately, they suffer from a number of problems including:

Crushing of the Persian rugs

Rugs crush when you place large and heavy objects on them. It’s also common for Persian rugs to crush when they experience a lot of traffic than they are meant to. To fix this problem you should install rug pads under them. The pads cushion the rugs thus preventing them from crushing. The pads have also been found to be highly effective in preventing the rugs from sliding or shifting when moving furniture or walking on them.

Fading of the oriental rugs

It’s common for the rugs to fade with time but there are instances where the fading is more than normal. This is common when the carpet is exposed to a lot of direct sunlight. Using chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning agents and emissions has been shown to also contribute to the premature fading of the units. To avoid the fading you should protect your rugs from direct sunlight. The best way of doing it is routinely rotating them. You should also be cautious of the chemicals that you use in cleaning them. For peace of mind always take your rugs to a professional for cleaning.

Excessive wear and tear of the tribal rugs

It’s normal for new tribal rugs to shed at the early stages of use and you shouldn’t be concerned about it. If the shedding is getting worse by the day, you have something to worry about. You should contact an expert or the rug manufacturer for a way to fix the problem. One of the main reasons for excessive shedding is the improper use of the vacuum cleaner. To avoid the problem you should gently vacuum the rugs to only remove the excess fiber while leaving the other fiber intact.

Soiling of the antique rugs

As long as you are using the rugs they will get soiled. Excessively soiled rugs are not only ugly, they also tend to be dull. To maintain the good looks of your rugs you should maintain them by regularly cleaning and vacuuming them. Sensitive rugs such as silk rugs should be placed on the floor or in low traffic areas such as the bedroom to prevent them from getting soiled and damaged.


Traditional rugs are prone to many problems and you should work on fixing the problems as soon as they happen. Prevention is said to be better than cure; therefore, you should work at preventing the problems from happening in the first place.