Traditional rugs have been around for centuries and people use them for decoration purposes. Although, they started being used in Mesopotamia, they have spread to all parts of the world. There are different ways in which the rugs are made. For example, there are some that are hand tufted, hand knotted, machine made and others are flat woven.

Hand tufted traditional rugs are created by a professional artisan and are known for their loose, sturdy seams. Hand knotted and flat woven rugs take a lot of time to make and you can easily identify them by their woolen fiber. The woolen fiber goes from one end of the rug to the other.

Machine made rugs are very ornate in appearance and have perfectly matched colors. While they are beautiful and take a very short period of time to make, machine made traditional rugs are not as long lasting as the handmade rugs.

Guide on how to buy the rugs

When buying the rugs you need to consider a number of factors. These factors include:

Type of rug: there are many types of traditional rugs in the market. The most common ones are:

  • Persian traditional rugs: they are characterized by detailed patterns.
  • Turkish: they have intricate patterns that are more stylized. It’s good to note that there are many sub-categories of these rugs that vary depending on the region of origin.
  • Tibetan: they are often handmade from sheep wool.

Color: traditional rugs come in different colors and all you need to do is to choose the one that is ideal for you. As rule of thumb you should go for a color that compliments your décor.

Texture: the texture of the rug not only determines the look of your house, it also impacts on the comfort. The texture is greatly determined by the material used in making the rug. When making your purchase you should always go with a texture that ensures that the design of your home remains consistent.

Patterns: a traditional rug has different patterns which include: animals, flowers and elaborate abstract shapes. Different patterns convey different feelings. For example, Asymmetrical designs with many geometric images give a more modern tone. Symmetrical designs on the other hand give a traditional feeling.


Traditional rugs are great to have and by buying the right rug you give your home an awesome look. To ensure that you are buying a genuine rug you should buy from a reputable traditional rug store.