Oriental rugs by definition are rugs that are 100% natural and 100% handmade. Nowadays, manufactures are coming up with rugs made from synthetic materials.

For example, there are those made from viscose which is a synthetic silk rug. While this material is beautiful and may resemble silk, it isn’t silk and won’t last for long.

Many synthetic oriental rugs come in patterns that resemble those found in natural rugs. For example, it’s common for the rugs to come in designs that resemble those found in Kashan, Heriz, and Tabriz rugs. While these rugs have the designs found in oriental rugs, they aren’t oriental rugs—they are simply synthetic rugs with oriental patterns.

There are other rugs made from olefin, a polypropylene material. These are made to resemble wool oriental rugs. While the material is durable, it doesn’t have the softness and luxury of wool.

Olefin also tends to attract and accumulate soil and oil thus you have to clean it more often.

Why you should avoid synthetic rugs

There are many reasons why you should avoid synthetic rugs.

Eco-friendly: synthetic rugs are made from petroleum products which aren’t eco-friendly as they don’t degrade naturally. For an eco-friendly option you should always go for a natural rug.

Hypoallergenic: do you suffer from allergies? As mentioned, synthetic rugs tend to accumulate a lot of dirt thus putting you at more risk of getting allergies. They are also made from chemicals which further increase your chances of developing allergic reactions.

Touch: one of the main reasons why people buy Persian rugs is due to the comfort that they come with. Natural oriental rugs are comfortable and bounce when you step on them. This is not the case with synthetic rugs which are hard and uncomfortable.

Guide to buying natural rugs

Studies have shown that many people buy synthetic rugs thinking that they are natural. This mistake comes from lack of research. To be on the safe side you should always do your research and find the differences between natural and synthetic rugs. If you haven’t bought the rugs before you should seek the advice of a professional.

You should note that there are many unscrupulous dealers in the market who will try to sell you synthetic rugs posing them as natural. To avoid wasting money on the synthetic products you should ensure that you buy from a reputable Oriental rug store.


This is what you need to know about synthetic rugs. For them to last for a long time you should clean them regularly. For ideal results you should ensure that they are cleaned by a professional.