If you have been shopping for rugs you must have come across traditional and contemporary oriental rugs. Have you been wondering how they differ? Here is an article to shed a light.

Traditional rugs

They are the most common. We can say that they are the everyday, Oriental, classic and Persian area rugs that you find in traditional homes. They come in different designs and patterns that date back to centuries ago. They are used by homeowners in adding a luxurious touch to the different rooms of the house.

When it comes to colour, they are subdued and in some cases they can be pale. In most cases they blend instead of standing out.

During the manufacturing process they are usually not exposed to chemical treatment. This means that you can’t say that they are fireproof, water repellent or dust proof. Despite this, you should expect the rugs to last for a long especially with good care.


Contemporary Persian rugs are characterised by bold colour choices and unique design elements. They are very unique to the extent that they are considered novelties.

The rugs usually display animal and plant figures such as lotuses and peacocks. It’s also common to find others without any prints at all.

When it comes to colour, the rugs are more bold and captivating. The manufacturers focus on details; therefore, its common to find then with intricate lines, construction techniques and optical illusions.

They are made from synthetic fibres such as olefin and polyester. They are also usually chemically treated making them resistant to fire, dirt, and fluid absorption. These features make them durable and longer lasting than the traditional Persian rugs.

The rugs come in different shapes including oval, round, rectangle, square and even ridged.

Taking care of the rugs

Regardless of the rugs that you want to you want to buy you should ensure that you buy them from a reputable Persian rug store. You should take good care of them by using them at the right places.

For example, if you have silk oriental rugs you should avoid placing them on the floor as they will get damaged easily. The best way of going about it is placing them on the walls.