When you buy area oriental rugs or any other rugs, you need to place them properly to get the most from them. While some people get how to place the units correctly, others don’t, resulting in their houses looking disorganized. To help you out, here are some of the mistakes you should avoid making when placing the rugs in your house:

Isolating the rug

This is where you place a rug that is too small for your room. The end result is the rug looking isolated and the room looking cheap. The best way of going about it is buying a rug that is big enough. The unit shouldn’t fill a room, but the legs of the chairs should touch the edges of the rug. If you aren’t sure of the right size of rug that you should go for, get the input of a professional.

Covering the beautiful areas

The reason people install Persian rugs is that they are beautiful and greatly increase the look of a room. While this is the case, you shouldn’t place it in all areas, especially the beautiful ones. You can install them along vinyl floors, but it will be a crime placing them on hardwood floors.

If you have to install them on beautiful surfaces such as hardwood floors, don’t cover the entire surfaces. You should cover just a small area the leave the other areas exposed for the people to admire.

Placing similar sized rugs together

You might have the impression that you are creating a layered look by placing tribal rugs of the same size, but this is wrong. When you place rugs of the same size you cut your room into halves making it look smaller that it is.

When you are layering a room, go for rugs of different sizes, colors and patterns. If you have two rugs of the same size, you should be creative in how you place them. Placing them in such a way that they run diagonal to one another.

Ignoring the rug pad

The rug pad is a unit that not only makes the rug more comfortable, it also protects it from the floor thus the oriental rug lasts for a long time. When you don’t install the rug pad, the antique rugs get damaged fast. The rugs also aren’t as comfortable as they should be. Regardless of where you place the rugs, always place a rug pad.