If you own area oriental rugs, you need to take good care of them, for them to last for a long time. To help you out, here are some of the things you should do to keep the units in top shape:

Protect the rugs from sunlight

Just like your furniture, the rugs are damaged by sunlight. According to experts, the rugs can be spoiled in a matter of months if you expose them to a lot of light. For the units to look good for long, protect them from it. One of the most effective ways of protecting the units is keeping the curtains closed all the time.

You also should consider coating your windows with mylar. This is an invisible film that is capable of filtering out the harmful ultraviolet light. While the film is highly effective, its major flaw is that it can result in the cancellation of manufacturer warranty.

Regularly clean the oriental rugs

This is a no-brainer. By regularly cleaning the rugs, you not only keep them looking great, but you also ensure that they last for a long time. There is no exact time when you should have the rug cleaned—clean it when you notice dirt on it. The best way of telling that your rug is dirty is by testing it with a white, wet piece of cloth.

You should run the piece of cloth on the rug and if it leaves a lot of dirt on the cloth, it’s time to undertake oriental rug cleaning. The best way of cleaning the mats is taking them to a professional. The professional will clean the Persian rugs after undertaking a number of colorfast tests. This ensures that the rugs don’t lose their color after you have washed them.

Repair the rugs

Just like any other units you might be having, it’s common for the oriental rugs to be damaged. The most common areas where the rugs are damaged are on the edges. When the rugs are damaged in these areas they tend not only to look ugly; they also tend to expose the rugs to more damage.

To be on the safe side, you should hire an antique rugs contractor to mend the rugs before the damage is extensive.


These are some of the ways in which you can take good care of the tribal rugs. For the rugs to last for a long time, buy them from a reputable store.