When looking for dining room area oriental rugs you aren’t looking for a unit to simply cover the floor—you want something that will also look good. To help you out, here are some of the factors to consider when making the purchase:

Size of the rug

This is a crucial factor to consider as buying a rug of the wrong size would result in a bad look. As rule of thumb ensure that the rug you buy fits your house perfectly. Before you head to the stores, measure the size of the dining room.

To get the right measurements ensure that all the furniture is in place. This includes the sideboards, tables, chairs, bars, wine towers, cabinets, floor lamps and any other thing you might be interested in.

To create symmetry, choose a rug that ends just before the front legs of the china cabinet, sideboard, and other furniture.

Shape of the oriental rug

There is no way your house will look great if the shape is wrong. To create symmetry, ensure that the shape of the rug matches that of the table. If your dining room table is long and narrow, choose a carpet that has a thin rectangular shape. If you have a round table, go with a round rug and so on.

Color and pattern

The rug anchors the dining room; therefore, you should choose one with a color that complements the entire look of the house. If you aren’t artistic, go with Persian rugs with lighter hues. While they look great on a wide range of arrangements, they often don’t clean quickly and don’t effectively mask stains and spills. For a great look, choose a rug with a color that ties all the elements in the dining room.

When it comes to patterns, choose a rug with an allover pattern. Go with a rug with a bold, sweeping pattern as it will allow the eye to move around the room thus distracting the eye the fact that the rug is off-centered. If your floor is damaged, go for a bright rug with an unusual pattern.

Material of the rug

If you have bought tribal rugs before, you must have noticed that they are made from different materials. Some are made from wool, others cotton, and others silk. It’s up to you to choose the one that looks great in your room. If your dining room experiences a lot of foot traffic, avoid silk rugs as they will get damaged within a short time.