Area Oriental rugs are one of the best ways of decorating your home. For you to achieve perfect results in your decorations you need to consider a number of tips.

House decoration tips using area rugs

Consider the size: The size of the rugs has a great impact on the look of the house. The size of the rug you buy should be informed by the size of your house. To buy the right unit, measure the size of your house before you head to the stores.

Lay the rugs properly: It’s one thing to buy the right rug and a completely new thing to lay them. For the units to look great you need to lay them properly. The best way of going about it is laying them in such a way that you leave a length and width of 3 feet around your house. When laying the oriental rug under the dining table, leave a 24” gap from the edge of the table out on all sides.

Match house theme: Your rug will look out of place when you don’t match its theme with that of the rest of the house. If the house has plenty of patterns, don’t go for a rug with plenty of patterns as it will have an ugly look.

Play around with shapes: Area rugs come in different shapes and sizes and it’s up to you to choose the right shape. If you aren’t sure of the right shape, follow your house arrangement. If you have a rectangular arrangement, go for rectangular rugs and so on.

Create variety: If your house is big, you should install rugs of different varieties. You should use rugs of different sizes but are of close resemblance. You can also use rugs of different shapes but they should complement the look of the house.

Taking care of the oriental rugs

For the rugs to continue looking great in your house, you need to take good care of them. One of the primary things you should do to keep the rugs in top shape is to clean them regularly. Vacuum them at least once a week and at least twice a year, take them to a professional rug cleaner.

You also need to be cautious of where you place the area rugs. If the units are made from cotton, wool, or any other tough material there is no harm in placing them in high traffic areas, but if you are using silk rugs, place them in the bedroom and other low traffic areas.