When you invest in area oriental rugs, you want the units to look the best in your home. To make it possible you need to consider some dos and don’ts. They include:

Oriental rug Dos

These are some of the things you should do to make your rugs last for a long time and also make them look good for long. They include:

  • Do ensure that the rugs are of the right size. I’m sure you have entered a house and felt out of place due to the rugs used. The rugs might have been too big or too small for the house. To avoid creating this impression, you should invest in a rug that is of the right size. Before you head to the store, first take the measurements of the room. This will guide you on the right size of rug that you should go for.
  • Do place the rugs properly. You can buy a rug of the right size, but it will look awkward if you don’t place it correctly. If placing the unit in the living room, ensure that all the furniture is on top. If the rug isn’t large enough, ensure that all the front legs are on the rug.
  • When placing the Persian rugs, leave the same amount of floor space on all side of the area rug. For ideal results, leave between 8” and 24” of space. Regardless of the shape of your house, strive to have the rug centered in the room.
  • Do cover the heavily trafficked areas. These include the sitting room and hallway. When placing the tribal rugs in these areas, ensure that you thoroughly cover the areas in such a way that the people don’t have one foot on the rug and the other foot off. When you allow this you not only give an unpleasant experience to the guests, you also risk damaging the rugs as the guests step on the edges.

Antique rug don’ts

Just as you need to do some things to keep your rugs in great shape, there are some things you need to avoid doing.

  • Don’t put expensive rugs such as silk rugs in areas of high traffic or areas where they can easily get stained. The rugs will get destroyed fast which will set you back a lot of money.
  • Don’t invest in cheap, low-quality antique rugs as they will not only look ugly in your house, and they also will get damaged fast. To be on the safe side, invest in high-quality units.