Persian rugs are recognized as the oldest types of rugs in the market. They are made from a wide range of materials including: silk, cotton, wool and animal hair.

Machine vs. handmade rugs

Two of the main types of rugs are machine and handmade rugs. From their name, machine made rugs are those made using machines. Handmade units are made from hands. Since they are made using hands, they are usually of high quality, come in different unique designs and durable. Due to this, the handmade units are expensive to buy.  Machine made rugs, on the other hand, are easy to make thus they are cheap. They also tend to degrade fast.

When you are looking to buy a high-quality rug you should go for the handmade unit. This calls for you to be able to tell a machine made from a handmade unit. The easiest way of doing so is taking a look under the rug. If the back has a distinct pattern from the front, the rug is most definitely handmade but if the patterns are similar, the rug is machine made.

Another way is by looking at the corner of the rug. Here you will easily see the base or root of the tufts. If the tufts are knotted, the rug is machine made but if the tufts are in rows, the unit is handmade.

How to place oriental rugs

How you place the rugs in your house determines the look that you create. As rule of thumb place the rugs in a place that won’t cause damage to the rugs. If you have silk rugs, you should avoid placing them in areas of high traffic as they will get damaged. According to rug professionals, the best place the rugs is in the bedroom. You can also hang them on walls.

You can go ahead and place wool and cotton rugs in areas of high traffic but you should protect them from damage by placing protective pads under them. These pads protect both the floor and the rugs. When placing the rugs, you should go with those that complement your home décor. This calls for you to pay close attention to the design and color of the different rugs.


This is what you need to know about rugs. Before you buy the rugs always take your time to research and find the most reputable Persian rug store to buy from.